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Mission San Diego Alcala - Postcard

Mission San Diego Alcala - Postcard

Regular price $4.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 AUD
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This A6 postcard displays Mission Basillica San Diego de Alcala or Mission San Diego is a catholic mission that colonised San Diego, California, my hometown. The mission was build by people from the Kumeyaay tribe of Native Americans who lived (and still live) in the region. I painted this after visiting the mission and being struck by its beauty that inspired the whole south western architectural aesthetic. It was the first mission build on the California coast, the original. However, it was build on stolen land, with slave labor and religious faith used as coercion. this perspective has rich deep meaning and to me, it adds to the beauty of this complex history and inspiration for future equity and reconciliation. History is funny like that. Find more on Instagram on @HKJ_Creative

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